The CMWPI in NCR rose further at an annual rate of 8.3 percent in May 2022. Its annual growth in April 2022 was posted at 6.9 percent and in May 2021 at 2.0 percent.

Higher double-digit annual growths were still recorded during the month in the indices of G.I. sheet, which rose further to 13.8 percent; reinforcing and structural steel, 15.7 percent; and fuels and lubricants at 46.1 percent.
Annual increments were also higher in the indices of the following commodity groups during the month:
a. Sand and gravel, 3.8 percent; b. Hardware, 5.2 percent; c. Plywood, 4.7 percent; d. Lumber, 4.2 percent; e. Glass and glass products, 1.6 percent f. Doors, jambs, and steel casement, 2.0 percent; g. Painting works, 5.0 percent; and h. PVC pipes, 10.3 percent.
In addition, the index of tileworks registered an annual increase of 0.1 percent during the month after exhibiting an annual decline of -0.4 percent in the previous month.
On the other hand, annual hikes slowed down in the indices of concrete products and cement at 4.6 percent; electrical works, 8.6 percent; and plumbing fixtures and accessories/waterworks, 7.1 percent.
The indices of asphalt, and machinery and equipment rental retained their zero percent annual growth during the month.
Source: PSA