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Writer's pictureZiggurat Realestatecorp

9 in Every 10 Families Reside in a Single Type Building

Type of Building/House

Based on the results of the 2020 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS), majority of families lived in a single type of building/housing unit (90.3%).

The rest of the families dwelt in apartment/accessorial/rowhouse (6.7%), duplex houses (1.9%), and other multi-unit residential building or commercial/industrial/agricultural building house, including condominium or condotel (1.1%).

Construction Materials of Roof and Outer Walls

Filipino houses were generally made of strong materials. For the materials of the roof, majority of the families had galvanized iron/aluminum (93.5%), followed by cogon/nipa/anahaw (3.6%), and concrete/clay tile (1.1%).

For the materials of the outer walls, about three out of five families had concrete/brick/stone (60.1%), followed by wood (13.3%), and half concrete/brick/ stone/and half wood (12.6%).

By place of residence, the percentage of urban families (95.1%) living in houses with galvanized iron/aluminum roof is higher than that of rural families (91.7%). On the other hand, the percentage of rural families (6%) living in houses with roof made of cogon/nipa/anahaw is higher than that of urban families (1.3%).

Tenure Status of the Housing Unit and Lot

In 2020, about three in every five families (59.8%) owned the house and lot they occupied.

About 15.8 percent of families occupied a house they owned in rent-free lot with consent of the owner, 10.2 percent rented the house/room including lot, and 9.3 percent occupied a rent-free house and lot with consent of the owner.

The rest either owned the house but the lot was rent-free without consent of the owner (2.8%), owned the house but the lot was rented (1.8%), or with rent-free house and lot without consent of owner (0.3%).

Floor Area of Housing Unit

About two in every three families (65.9%) were residing in a housing unit with a floor area of less than 50 square meter (sq. m.).

The remaining 34.1 percent of families resided in housing unit with floor area of 50 square meters and higher.

Household Conveniences

In the 2020 APIS, households were asked for the presence of household conveniences/devices in the housing unit.

Cellular phone was the most common household convenience/device which was present in about nine out of 10 (90.5%) Filipino homes, followed by television set (79.8%), refrigerator/freezer (45.7%), washing machine (44.2%), and motorcycle/ tricycle (42.7%).

Source: PSA

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