When societies become more equal, economies become more resilient. Besides
being the right thing to do, gender equality makes economic sense. The World Bank
estimates that, globally, differences between men’s and women’s total expected
lifetime earnings is $172.3 trillion, equivalent to twice the world gross domestic product.
As such, adopting laws that strengthen women’s rights and opportunities is an essential first step toward a more resilient and inclusive world.
Women, Business and the Law 2022 measures global progress toward gender equality
in 190 economies by identifying the laws and regulations that restrict and incentivize
women’s economic participation.
Whether a 25-year-old starting her first job, a mother balancing work with caring for her children, or a woman on the verge of retirement, the eight indicators show the ways in which laws affect women throughout their working lives.
The Women, Business and the Law index measures explicit discrimination in the law,
legal rights, and the provision of certain benefits, areas in which reforms can bolster
women’s labor force participation. Governments can use this framework to identify
barriers to women’s success, remove them, and boost economic inclusion.
Amid development challenges that disproportionately affect women, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a legal environment that supports their work is more important than ever.
Yet all over the world, discriminatory laws are exacerbating the effects of an already difficult period.
Full report:
Source: Worldbank